Friday 30 October 2015

Black Country Ales English Summer at the Crystal Fountain, Cannock

Our final pub was to be the nectar of Cannock; and the name of the pub made it even more of a shrine to visit. Nestled in the suburbs, Black Country Ales are well known for their array of hand pumps and interesting guest beers. This particular pub is listed as ‘Neo-Georgian’; though from the outside it looks like a bricked prison and the clientele hanging outside the doorway did little to improve its image. Inside, the counter is well preserved, but the room furnishings seem bare and cold. Live sport dominated the atmosphere, with a large group watching a premier league game and a second smaller group watching the rugby in the other room. There was little to invite us into the other two rooms of the pub, or even to advertise the fact that they were there. We did opt for a second half; but only because of the range of beers involved and also time was pressing on us for our train home.

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