Sunday 18 October 2015

The King's Regimental Barracks

Berwick upon Tweed has had such a fascinating military history for such a small town; and one of the places where it all comes together is the barracks. This huge complex still has its traditional parade ground where troops used to practice drill parades and fortify the town from invaders.  Their exhibits depict war through the ages and the daily life of a regimental soldier, as well as charting the conflicts of the King’s Regiment. I quite liked the old-fashioned pistols; a weapon that’s easy to conceal and has many different designs; despite its purpose to perform just one simple task. However, little is shown of the barracks themselves; and you get a far clearer picture of how they helped to fortify the town by taking the walled walk. Here there are remains of gun mounts; you can see the traditional armouries; and admire the scale of the walls built to withstand enemy advancements. 

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