Monday 26 October 2015

Adnams Black Knight at the Linford Arms, Cannock

This Wetherspoons pub was the smallest I’d ever seen! It had just one seating area away from the
main bar, and another lounge round the corner for diners. There was an upstairs seating area; but I thought that may just be for the toilets. The beers were all quite strong and from international brewers; Wetherspoons seemed to have rejected its Locale policy lately and gone for buying these ales in bulk; the main problem is that they all seem to be over 4.5%. It was also a struggle at the bar; with lots of people ordering food at the same time and only two people were serving; any more simply wouldn’t fit. The Adnams Black Knight wasn’t really anything special; just a dry IPA with an extra kick of strength. We couldn’t taste the promised chocolate as indicated in the tasting notes; and got out the map to plan our next venue.  

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