Saturday 10 October 2015

History Museum, Edinburgh

Hidden away from the hustle and bustle of city life is Edinburgh's History Museum. This building had an amazing atmosphere as it was playing host to a free fringe event; and the acoustics were fantastic in the main reception hall. The animal room was amazing; with skeletons hanging from the ceiling and a complete model shark floated above us as if caught in its own Sharknado! We also got up close and personal with meteorites in the space room; where metals from another world have been captured and cased for all to see; alongside a giant model of our DNA. We also saw a Chinese prayer wheel; a full scale 18th century locomotive, and a huge furnace (which sadly wasn’t in action today, though I had seen it before). There were many other floors of the museum that we didn’t get a chance to visit; you really need a full morning in order to view everything.

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