Wednesday 7 October 2015

Abernethy Tower

Our morning venture outside of Perth saw a visit to Abernethy, a small village four miles south-east of the city. Here, a small war memorial marks the centre of the village, and just behind it sits the round tower stretching up out of the churchyard. A few minutes later, we managed to procure the key from the local tea shop; and were able to climb the metal staircase to the top of the tower. Inside was a magnificent bell, and beyond that was a trapdoor to the ramparts. As well as views of the church itself, we could also see the other church which is currently in restoration. We could see into people’s backyard gardens, where one house had a gigantic palm tree with a treehouse resting underneath it. There were also flagpoles declaring united dependence, newly landscaped gardens and people generally going about their daily business. As we were descending, the bell suddenly began to strike, signifying the start of morning worship. It was great to see the bell in action, but I certainly didn’t get to see it so close! The tombstones in the graveyard were certainly worth a look too. 

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