Friday 16 October 2015

Lindisfarne Castle

Lindisfarne Castle must be one of the most isolated castles in the world. It has its own island which can be cut off completely by the causeway; and is built on a gigantic mound. It has a classic winding path climbing upwards; perfect for defenders to chuck rocks or boiling oil down on its attackers. There’s also a large cave area, perfect for a secluded secret dock; or to be used as a storage room for food during sieges. Its round towers offer views for miles around of both approaching ships and also traffic from the mainland. Eric and his Vikings would have had a hard time storming this castle! But if they did storm it; it would have to be during high tide so that reinforcements would not be able to arrive from the mainland. I’m not sure if that’s a flagpole or a transmitter protruding from its highest tower…

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