Tuesday 20 October 2015

Purity Brewery

On a fine summer’s evening in September, members of Redditch and Bromsgrove CAMRA got together to visit Purity in Warwickshire. Many of us had visited the brewery before; but since its inception in 2005 the business has grown and a large re-vamp of the disused barns on the farm in Spernall has now been completed. On our arrival, we were greeted by Tasha George who wasted no time in arranging some samples for us including Mad Goose, Pure Gold and Pure UBU, named after the brewery’s canine companion (Useless Bloody Urchin!). After explaining how the brewery was formed and the history of each beer; Tasha whisked us off to show us the mysteries within.

Inside, we were shown the hop store and the different hops that are used in each beer; then we headed upstairs to the malt room. It was here that we got a great view of the brewery’s shiny new fermenters made by Braukon in Germany. This has allowed them extra brewing capacity and also room to experiment with new beers. The brewery has also been voted Sustainable Manufacturer of the Year through using heat and steam exchange technology to reduce energy consumption; recycling their spent grains and hops; and have created a natural wetland out of their waste water which makes for a very nice afternoon walk!

After the tour it was time for some more sampling; with the addition of Longhorn IPA, Lawless Lager and bottles of Saddle Black. Tasha very kindly let us pull our own pints; then there was just enough time to visit the brewery shop before catching our bus home. Our thanks must go to Tasha George at Purity for hosting a fantastic evening.

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