Friday 25 September 2015

Time Riders by Jim Eldridge

Time Riders (Red Fox middle fiction)Time Riders by Jim Eldridge
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I never actually saw the TV adaptation of this book, but the story itself is absolutely brilliant! It's not just a story of educational timelines; there are chases and near-death experiences aplenty as Ben and BB attempt to survive in their first outing on their time machine. BB’s wit and humour is very entertaining and well timed; while the presence of a Victorian orphan in the plot helps us to understand some of BB’s science; if not too overdone in describing his surroundings. The ongoing secrecy to hide Ben’s identity in the twentieth century only adds to the fun as they dodge conflicting opinions from the Cambridge science department of the future of BB’s research. And the personalities of the characters blend in perfectly to their roles; whether it's the evil seventeenth century aristocrat playing hostess; or the twentieth century scientific officer trying to make his mark on the world. A brilliant book and I hope there are sequels out there…

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