Sunday 6 September 2015

Adnams Gold Topaz Gold at Tyburn,

My next pub was planned to be over at the Three Tuns which I believed at the time to be a sister pub of the excellent Market Porterhouse. However, the scale of the map that I was following seemed to be further than I thought; and before I knew it I actually passed a Wetherspoons called Tyburn. As I was passing; this seemed a good place to call in and possibly have an evening meal. It turned out that the place was absolutely rammed with the after-work office crowd; so I decided to do the next best thing and grab a quick half while seeking out fast food over in Paddington. The beer I tried was the Adnams Topaz Gold; and while this wasn’t a strong beer it was certainly packed with taste. Originally I thought that getting back to Marylebone would be the quickest route to Paddington; but it turned out that I was actually closer to the Marble Arch stop.

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