Friday 4 September 2015

London, baby!

I am heading off to the capital! It’s been a long while since I’ve been; but I’m cashing in on a trip to visit a brewery and taste some beer as a birthday treat to myself. I got a great deal on the internet to get down there cheap; and I even paid less than a third of the price on my changeover train thanks to a delayed train earlier on in the year. As long as I could get to the station by 4pm; everything would be fine. Well. The day didn’t start great as I’d been up most of the night finishing off articles for Pint Taken; with minimum sleep. Then I had a criss-cross of deliveries to make at work; as well as training one of the new guys on the store’s voice system. I then felt really guilty when it was time for me to leave because I had to leave him on his own to prep his van. But thankfully; I got away on time. London, baby!

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