Tuesday 15 September 2015

The Isle of Mull

 After a hectic start to the day, we boarded the ferry to the Isle of Mull. What I really needed was a cup of coffee to get me going; so while I was holding my friend’s coat so that he could queue for the toilets; I learned of an upstairs coffee shop that would be quicker than waiting in the canteen. This meant that I missed us casting off; and thus an excellent photo opportunity of Oban. When I went to queue for coffee; I found only one person on duty who was trying to explain to an American how our British coinage system works. Surely they can read? I emerged onto the deck just in time to get a view of an old abandoned lighthouse and Castle Duart. When it came to disembarking; it became quite 
chaotic. We were told to head back to the steerage; but the stairs to the lower decks were still sealed off; after a round trip through the ship a kind soul had decided to open them but pedestrian passengers were just standing in front of them and weren’t letting anyone head down; some had even decided to venture down for a wander as part of a tour! Then everyone switched on their engines and started to move forward; odd as we hadn’t even docked yet! When we were on the move we got stuck behind a very strange driver who wasn’t entirely sure where he was going. But we soon arrived at Castle Duart.

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