Monday 7 September 2015

Sleeping in the Orchard

I've booked a hotel for my trip around London; and it was done through a website through work which gave me a discount. So my own room with an en suite bathroom came to under £50. I booked it in advance without looking at any reviews until I was on the train; where a lot of people complained about the reception and the breakfast. So I thought I’d better get over there in case there were any problems which might cause me to seek accommodation elsewhere. I hopped onto the tube; which was moving a lot faster than remembered; leaving me perched on one leg and gripping onto the rail to keep balance as we came into the station. Fortunately the contactless card worked; but I had no idea how much I was paying for each ride. Once I'd got into Paddington; I found the road which was lined with a whole range of very similar hotels; the only difference being the name. But I checked in fine with the help of an Indian man; and took the lift up to my room and scanned the key to go in. Luckily I remembered that the key has to be in the lock for the room to receive power. It was a very small box room; but was comfortable enough for just one nights stay. Unfortunately there was no free tea or coffee or even wifi; but I decided to venture out to explore more of London. 

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