Sunday 27 September 2015

Ardchattan Priory, Oban

Another historical site on the outskirts of Oban is the Ardchattan Priory, and after our driver had an argument with a local about accidentally parking in front of someone’s house (he was very civil about it but our driver had a few things to say), and after a quick snack, it was time to have a wander around. The priory itself is at the back of the gardens; but whether you’re meant to pay an entrance fee to both the priory and the gardens is unclear. There are a lot of skull and crossbone carvings here, both on the gravestones and above the arches; which makes you wonder if there were any Scottish pirates or whether they were simply clans who were rebellious of the government. There is also a beautiful oak tree that towers over the priory, as well as a knight’s grave; so this must have had a variety of peoples on the same site over the years.

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