Friday 11 September 2015

Pride of Paddngton at the Pride of Paddington, Paddington!

My last pub of the day was the Pride of Paddington, a short walk away from the station itself. Outside there were lounge tables while inside was a hustle and bustle of young people enjoying a drink. I had a brief look at the food menu and noted the prices were expensive compared to the portions that were being served; considering it was a locals pub not far from the station. I opted for the Pride of Paddington Best Bitter (4.1%), a rebadged beer but I couldn’t discover what brewery it was from. I’m now guessing it’s Fuller’s London Pride; but I’ll be very disappointed if it is. There were large long tables abound; clearly this pub was designed to cater for groups; with a circular table by the window for students. No sign of the Cask Marque certificate, and again, not the greatest of atmospheres to cater for the solo drinker. I thought it best to let sleep overtake me and headed back to the hotel; passing the Sawyers Arms with a tinge of regret. Now that the evening was drawing in; it looked more inviting as a locals pub; but common sense prevailed as I had a bigger day of ale tasting ahead of me.

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