Sunday 20 September 2015

Furnace museum, Bonawe

Over in Bonawe, there is a historic Iron Furnace Museum. If you ever visit, there is a rear entrance via a public footpath; so the best way is to park overlooking Airds bay; or even better; visit after visiting hours; there doesn’t seem to be a main gate restricting access. We did spot a moose on the way in, but by the time I’d got my camera out, my friend had alerted my other friends which scared the animal away. The furnace itself is set in beautiful countryside; and you can follow the trail of coal from the storerooms (which blend in beautifully into the hillside) down to the furnace itself. It must have taken a lot of effort to extend the stream from the bay into the mill in order to power it. It’s a very peaceful place to visit if you’re passing, and the grounds are very well kept. 

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