Sunday 13 September 2015

Breakfast at the Orchard Hotel, Paddington

So I soon set myself up for a comfortable night at the hotel. I had a comfy bed with a TV in a room that wasn’t too hot and wasn’t too cold. I dozed off quite quickly but still woke up in the early hours owing to a force of habit. Rather than jump straight in the shower; I treated myself to an hour of TV before I realised that I really should get going if I’m going to make it to Chiswick on time. In the end, I was only five minutes late in leaving; though it would have been great to get everything ready to leave first. Down I went to breakfast; which was actually in the cellar and not signposted; the receptionist had pointed me in the general direction the night before; but I didn’t realise it was hidden downstairs. The Polish breakfast waitress was a bit confused that I was on my own; didn’t she realise that they had single rooms? But I soon got myself to work on cereal and toast; and even made a quick job of the deli meats on offer by making my own ham and cheese toastie. Then it was off upstairs to throw everything into the rucksack and to quickly check out and head to the underground. Thankfully the hotel had a ‘drop and go’ system; making checking out as quick and painless as possible.

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