Wednesday 9 September 2015

Greene King Rumrunner at the Beerhouse, Paddington

I had a few more cask marque pubs on my list to do before retiring for bed, and one of the pubs on my list was the Beerhouse inside the station. I was hoping for a long bar covered with handpumps at the end of platform eleven; but what I found was a unit similar to the food stalls on the platform; only this had the advantage of having to go inside. Once in though, the surroundings were very comfortable; and even though there were only three real ales available; the Rumrunner I tried from Greene King was in excellent condition. There was a thin atmosphere with just a few other sole people occupying tables with newspapers and laptops while supping their pints. I wondered if it was a quiet time of the day for them now that there were fewer trains departing as the evening drew on. Clearly this is not a pub that attracts locals; and it looked that the staff were preparing to finish up the day by belting out dodgy tunes as loud as possible.

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