Wednesday 18 September 2024

Not Welcome #dreamdiary 185

I’m here to see my friend. I’m not sure if she even recognises me. Maybe she thinks I’m here to see her flatmate. She’s certainly in a mood. She admits me and invites me to sit on the sofa and watch TV. . She looks like she’s all made up to go out. She’s wearing heavy foundation to make her face slightly tanned and trimmed eyebrow hair. Then there’s the short black hair that she’s spent a long time curling. Why did she admit me in the first place? Perhaps I’ve got the wrong address and she’s too timid. She tells me that she’s going out now and opens the door for me to leave. We haven’t even had a conversation. As I pass through the door, she gives me a funny look. Then she puts on a black cape and heads out the door herself and turns in the opposite direction. I wonder if I should follow her.

Friday 13 September 2024

Should pork be banned in the UK to avoid offending muslims?

It’s difficult to ban something that’s always been there. If there’s health benefits then it’s worth considering, but you’re talking about a huge section of the economy. How will this be replaced? People need to value the culture that they’re in rather than make it their own. If they’re not going to adapt then they’re really going to struggle with interaction, and they’re going to be isolated in return. If we stop everything that offends someone, then there’s not going to be much left. It certainly restricts your freedom. People have likes and dislikes. You just have to come to a unanimous decision of what is and isn’t’ permitted, and agree with authority so that it can be enforced. In the meantime, you have to show a little tolerance or find an environment that supports your values. It’s just a way of spotlighting those who have different values. Some people don’t like vegetables.

Wednesday 11 September 2024

A Late Awakening #titannabell 21

Morning arrived at the palace. It was a very quiet morning followed by a rushed one since the watch bell didn’t ring to wake the servants. Some of the servants who were used to waking up before the bell rung suddenly realised that something was wrong when they saw how high the sun was getting. They quickly roused the others into the common room to organise the day’s work.

‘Why didn’t the bell ring?’ asked one of them.

‘Never mind that, we’ve got chores to do. Get those berries cut double-time!’

‘Yes Miss.’

‘OK, head out to the barracks. Hopefully we won’t have too many complaints.’

‘There’s no-one there, Miss.’

‘No-one there? Was a war declared last night? Very well, it certainly makes our job easier. Send out the dressers. Let’s get our lords and ladies ready for our guests. And quickly before we get any complaints of tardiness. I’ll let his lordship know what happened.’

Monday 9 September 2024

Dear Bad Guy

I’m going to stop you. I don’t care what it takes, but you’re not going to stop me. You might put hundreds of obstacles in my way, create relentless distractions, but the freedom that you have now is not going to be for very long. Things are going to get worse for you, so cherish this very letter as it could reflect upon your last moment of happiness. So now you know that someone’s about to get in your way. You’ll definitely change tactics. You might even desist and run away, but I’ll never let you rest until you’ve been brought to justice and become accountable for the misery that you’ve caused in our society. And I will never trust you, even if you give yourself up or begin to show any remorse for what you’ve done. So tread carefully because I’m waiting for you to make the mistake that will cost you your future.

Sunday 8 September 2024

What are You Waiting For? #warwick 10

Something’s happening. The marquee and gazebo are roped off but there’s some kids sitting down in the shadow of the castle waiting patiently in the courtyard. Nearby, two grown-ups are fleeing the scene. Perhaps something loud is about to start. Perhaps something is due to emerge from the marquee. The kids may have spotted some performers going in earlier, and they’re waiting to be the first in line for whatever treat or activity awaits. But there’s also a load of dead grass. Maybe they’re misinformed, or what they’re expecting has been and gone. Perhaps the tower is about to be toppled onto the gazebo which is why it’s roped off. Or maybe the spire is about to launch into the courtyard. The other thing that could have happened was that their parents have convinced them that a show was about to start while they sneak off for a half hour of peace and quiet at the cafĂ©.

Saturday 7 September 2024

Insult Me

It’s probably going to be a short but concise noise followed by a fart sound. It might vary depending on the time of day. Or she could be too polite to engage in such an atrocity. Apparently I’m a cure for insomnia when I talk about myself and I’m hailed as a medical wonder. So it’s an insult of wit. How can I make someone laugh in a bad way? Is it an uncontrollable fit of the giggles that leaves them in a bout of pain? Is it too loud? Or is it terrible and they’re just being polite? Either way, they all seem to be about my company rather than any physical or olfactory characteristics. I wonder how many there are? She hasn’t repeated one yet. And there’s no subscription either. Still, if you want to feel down without any swearing or conversation, this is the way to do it. At least you can unplug the thing.

Friday 6 September 2024

Castle Climbers #warwick 9

Back outside in the sun, it’s not so dark and scary. We’ve begun our turret walk to explore the castle ramparts and have put on extra sunscreen. From here, we can see what we’ve already explored and how much more we have to investigate. There’s some great views of the castle grounds and we can also see past the river into the city. There’s views of the cathedral, the surrounding park and the hustle and bustle of everyday people going about their lives making purchases and completing their business. The adults decide to stay perched on a bench for a packed lunch and after the girls have eaten I decide to take them across the rest of the ramparts which is steeper and narrower with some steep steps to descend back to the courtyard. Then we ascend up the long winding path back to the grown-ups, where there’s a nice breeze in the air.

Thursday 5 September 2024

"Take the Team With You"

-The Doctor.

If your team does follow you wherever you go, that’s a very loyal team. You have to make sure that you treat them like family and not servants, even if you are paying them. Otherwise, they’ll be very keen to jump ship, especially if they get a pay offer. Don’t forget that they have similar needs to you, and that you need to be seen doing your fair share of the workload too. With modern technology, you can always keep in touch with them, though you also need to respect their privacy and give them rest time and downtime which may eat into your time occasionally. But if you can be flexible then they will try to do the same when you need them to work longer and harder. Sometimes people will want to leave and you have to respect that, but it’s important to find out why if it’s a mistake that you’ve made so that’s it not repeated again and you know what sort of qualities to look for in your next recruit.

Tuesday 3 September 2024

Balding Brian

Short, loud, proud, bold and bald. That’s the easiest way to describe him. He’s also a bit of a disciplinarian. I’m guessing a teacher; either in drama or sports. He makes it clear what he expects of his team. He wants everyone to have a good time; so long as the enjoyment of others isn’t put into jeopardy. He does enjoy digs at his head because it’s so shiny, but he’s not afraid to dish it out too. He’ll even let you rub his head for good luck. He’s got a huge perfect smile without a hint of mischief that makes you want to grin back at him. Sometimes he’s so loud that you don’t you whether he’s scolding or saluting you. He’s well up to speed with his celebratory gossip. Even though he’s short, he’s got a thick but healthy physique; and he’s not afraid to pace himself to flaunt it with bicep curls and warm up for the game.

Monday 2 September 2024

Ready to Play #warwick 8

If this guy has a minor role in entertaining his guests, it’s probably going to be in the bedroom. He’s a character that Hugh Hefner would probably look up to. He’s already in his smoking jacket with his cigar in hand. I wonder if he ever waited downstairs? It could be the whole purpose of the evening while the ladies slipped off to the powder room one by one right underneath his wife’s nose. He’s even got a minibar set up to refresh his guests and a typewriter to record his memoirs. Some could argue that it was his job to record everyone who entered the castle. There’d be a good view of who was crossing the courtyard and the sound of footsteps could be echoed in the corridors. He might even have a team at his disposal to change the sheets quickly or have several rooms handy. It’s not the sort of character that you’d expect at a medieval castle, but there he is.

Sunday 1 September 2024

Redirecting Resources #dreamdiary 184

I’m camping at a brewery with a team of volunteers. There’s been a terrible storm through the night and a gale has forced its way through some of the buildings. Corrugated roofs have been torn off and the equipment inside has been upturned and damaged. Meanwhile, my volunteer group have took it upon themselves to start taking down my tent and pack it away. The last thing I want is a mob of people going through my possessions and putting things in places that are going to make it difficult for me for find them later on. I know they’re only trying to help me but there’s other ways that these volunteers could be deployed for the greater good benefit rather than myself. So I rally them together in a huddle around me and explain that the brewery needs their help more than I do, and we should concentrate on getting it to an operational state again, especially when my tent withstands a hurricane better than a building.