Wednesday 3 July 2024

The Lost City

There’s too many high-profile actors in this film which does very little to enhance the plot. It’s almost as if they needed something to do during the pandemic. It’s a cross between an action film with a romantic comedy, with many people mixed up in the mix. It could be a mockery if the action scenes weren’t so serious, and it’s a shame that the director didn’t capitalise in breaking the fourth wall often enough for it to become a spoof comedy. It just tries too hard to be real. Even the wooing scenes aren’t done hard enough. The antagonist isn’t really believable, and it would be a nicer ending if Sage had been discovered alive during the expedition. It’s a total blend of things that have been done before. It’s a cheesy attempt for ladies to persuade their partners to watch Sandra Bullock in an action film while getting a glimpse of Tatum’s chest.

Monday 1 July 2024

Go Boil Yer Ead

He’s small in stature but friendly in nature. He has a head of head but has never gone for a beard. He likes the causal look with thin shirts in the summer if he’s away, and jeans if there’s a breeze. He’ll only don a pair of shorts if the sun is out, and prefers boots to sandals. He loves to explore and he takes pride in showcasing what he does. He’s managed to work out his paunch by keeping active in many walking and outdoor activities. He has hats in many places and positions, and has been at the forefront of many organisations. Make a friend of him and he’ll support you wherever possible. But if you treat him as a position holder then you’ll never get past the red tape and the rules and regulations that he enforces. He has little time for people who don’t make the effort.