Wednesday 27 February 2019

Where's Your Hat?

I’d been in a group of seats at a beer festival. It had been a fun day, but some of the younger folk were playing tricks on the older ones by hiding their stuff under piles of coats. It was close to getting time to head off home, and some had already left to visit a few pubs. At one point I was the only member of our group who remained and other people were looking to use the table so I invited them over. Then one of the younger ones came back looking for his hat; and went absolutely apeshit that he couldn’t find it and left in a rage. Half an hour later it was my turn to depart and got my coat from off the chair. As I turned to leave, one of the newcomers said that I’d left a hat behind. And there underneath where my coat had been was the hat of the young one. I smiled as I took it and even sent him a Facebook message of me wearing it on the train. I then thought of all the places I’d planned to visit that year and imagined me taking it on tour with me, sending him pictures as I went. Eventually I relented and gave it to one of the old folks to return it to him.

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