Wednesday 6 February 2019

If Satan was real and walking down the street would he be arrested on the spot?

‘Calling all units- we’ve got a report of the Prince of Darkness walking down main street. Proceed immediately to arrest and apprehend. Suspect may be armed and is considered to be extremely dangerous.’
‘What’s he in for chief?’
‘Conspiracy for everything.’
‘Wow, I hope you got the evidence for it.’
‘Just bring him in.’
‘Hello, Reverend Quartermind speaking.’
‘Reverend, we got him. Grab your bible and get down here.’
‘Got who? Who is this?’
 ‘This is Chief Naylor of the Bettawett Police. We’ve just arrested Satan. My men are bringing him in now.’
‘I don’t see how that’s possible. How are those men still under their own will? He will try bribery, corruption, and anything else he can think of to wiggle his way out of this. Plus do you really expect him to just sit there while I flick through the bible?’.
‘Well, yes?’
‘’Your station is about to be overrun by demons. ‘Demons good sir.’

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