Saturday 16 February 2019

The Sandman #dreamdiary72

Jollowitz was a small, man with thin arms sticking out of a round body and had a large egg for a head. He was wearing one of his ridiculous Hawaiian shirts. He had to get the dig to finish today; it was the last opportunity that the building site would give them before construction would re-commence.
Jollowitz turned to his Ruth, his assistant. She was a short woman with a pointy nose, and brown curly hair underneath a large, white-rimmed hat and wore round, wire-rimmed glasses.
‘Look who’s come back on board.’ The three of them stared at the mound of sand in front of them.
There’s got to be at least eight boposauruses down there.’
‘I thought we weren’t going to do this until Tony gets out of jail.’
Well, sometimes you’ve got to live in the moment.’
You’ve got to take the hold, take take take take the hold…

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