Thursday 28 February 2019


This lovely film teaches people about the value of friendship and how you can overcome any problem by working together. Walliams plays the spooky rat catcher and fast food vendor, but he doesn’t oversell his role for the sake of others. Every person plays their part well and has equal time in the story, and each character has their own backstory, even the bloke in the newsagent who seems to play every stereotypical newsagent. I think the story would have worked even without a dancing rat, and the animation is a bit poor. Perhaps another animal would have been better. With Walliams’s connections, they could have got the dog off Britain’s Got Talent. The story also would have worked without the school’s talent competition altogether; it simply seemed to just pad things out a bit. A bake-off would have been more original, but perhaps that wasn’t in at the time. It’s a shame that we didn’t see more rivalry between him and the chef that the school hires to encourage healthy eating.

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