Saturday 2 February 2019

Lenovo Laptop

I’ve never used a Lenovo laptop before; I’d also never spoken to Cortana before which was a new experience. The laptop wasn’t for me, so I had to set it up for someone else as well. The touchpad was a bit weird as there were no left and right mouse buttons; just a tap on the touchpad would confirm a command. It took some getting used to as I entered the wrong key for the wi-fi; though it didn’t affect the set-up too much. I’ve got no idea what to do if you do need to perform a right-hand click though. After we got to the main windows screen, I ran the updates then it came to virus time. The odd thing was that the package we bought came with a year’s virus program, but a 30-day program from another supplier had already been installed. More work for me in a month’s time then. I also thought that considering it was a new laptop, the load time for Office was a bit slow, but it was handy that I could attach my relation’s account to my own subscription. Hopefully she’ll find it easy to use.

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