Sunday 24 February 2019

The Devil's Daughter #devilsdaughter1

Luke was tired from all the drinking and decided to call it a night. He’d queued up for ages to see the buxom beauty, but his credit card had been maxed out at the bar and he could no longer afford to gaze upon her sights. With a sigh, he got into the lift and headed up to his penthouse. He opened his jacket to take out his key, and couldn’t find it. He patted all around his jacket and dug into his trousers but he still couldn’t remember where he’d put it. Perhaps he put it in his rear pocket next to his credit card? He was just running his hands over his rear pockets when he heard a voice behind him.
‘Now, there’s an interesting view.’ 
As he turned round, he saw that his eyes were level with the nine-foot buxom beauty in her stunning glittery red dress. Her head was scraping the ceiling, while a small trail of dress was flowing two feet behind her.

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