Tuesday 19 February 2019

Chinese Breakdancing

Most Chinese dance moves appear to imitate their animals. The animal on the banner looks more like a fox than a dog though. The lady in the left could be getting to do a crane kick or summon the next act onto the stage using a mystical spell. You can see a look of deep concentration on her face. But the lady in red looks as if she’s about to lead a rendition of YMCA. It may make sense to them, after all you do read Chinese letters backwards. Or maybe it’s just a coincidence and they haven’t got the dancers organised in the right places. There’s a younger girl in purple on the left; she might be starting to lead a charge of acrobats. The elder women are trying to stir up the crowd to applaud; especially the one standing underneath the lantern on the left. Perhaps she’s trying to shoo everyone away so that she can go home early.

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