Saturday 9 February 2019

Jimmy's Spices, Birmingham

This restaurant has got some great potential as if faces over the city’s canals. Unfortunately, the owners decided to make this area as the serving area of the buffet; possibly because of the easier access to food from the area below. So instead of canal side dining, they’ve opted to fill in the windows with pictures of famous landmarks from around the world to stop people from gawking in their tracks while at the buffet. This has made it a very cave-like atmosphere. The waitresses are friendly, but they don’t tell you who anything works or how to get extra cutlery. There’s plenty of food to help yourselves to, but you may have a wait if you want some of the fresher dishes. Getting your dish is easy. You help yourself to the raw meat and vegetables. It’s the wait for the sauce chef that’s the hard part. The chefs barely break a mile as you tell them your order, while the dessert chef likes to go wandering off just as you’re ready for a pancake. Nevertheless, if you like a bit of everything then it’s the place to be.

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