Saturday 23 February 2019

The Canal House

Colin had built the perfect den. He’d bought an old warehouse in the middle of the city next to the canal. He’d ensured that every side had an extended balcony with ample supplies hidden behind each wall. There would be a secret basement hidden underneath the building which would be submerged so that a secret getaway could be via a mini submarine or a pipe walkway connecting to a canal boat that looked seemingly unrelated on the other side of the wharf. The roadside access would be a small narrow street leading into a car park with apartments facing either side- which he’d rent out to his friends. It would be the perfect ambush for any unsuspecting nark, and he could dispose of the evidence quickly. There was even an option to make an escape on foot through a network of pathways which the novice visitor would find difficult to pursue; and the number of steps involved could divert any motorbike.

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