Sunday 21 June 2015

On Reflection...

So that was my speech. A half hour slot to explain to people about the workings of CAMRA, what we do as a local branch and why people should get involved. A talk that really should have lasted half an hour but turned out to be just fifteen minutes in front of a listening yet unsupportive crowd. I did get a round of applause towards the end and a chap from Bath came round afterwards to say 'We don't have anything like this round my way!' Hopefully he will be encouraged to start his own chapter. I could have stretched it out to twenty with some great exaggerations on the things that we do; but it's quite hard when there's no-one cheering you along the way. It might also be my voice; something that I still need to work on, as I often get accused of being a woman on the phone. Someone did ask for my name again; but whether it was in jest or they were genuinely interested I'm not sure; I just replied and carried on distributing beer mats. I was also asked by the organisers if I would do the same thing next year or even next month. I said yes initially but not el gusto; not wanting to make a huge commitment to the time required. I did enjoy an excellent Sunday lunch; but the programme of events certainly needs some attention. I was certainly unaware of the Friday evening opening; and had no idea what happened to one of the guest  speakers on Saturday. But it was a good first event; and there is a lot to work upon for the future.

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