Tuesday 2 June 2015

Scavengers Space Finale Part 1

Just before the clock reached zero, a screen flickered on a console near the end of the viewing platform to reveal Kent Brockman, the fictional  newsreader from the Simpsons.

‘We interrupt this world domination takeover to bring you this breaking announcement.’ The screen went blank as the opening words of Donna Summer’s ‘I love you always forever’ plays through the speakers. Flint looked round the room at his commanding officers, baffled. They returned the gesture; shrugging their shoulders right back at him. At the words ‘Discovering You’, a single message in a small white font is displayed on the screen. It reads simply; Scavengers Rule.

Through the window into the depths of space, lights flicker on to reveal a long oval-shaped silver zeppelin with large wings and fins. However, Flint’s attention is focused on his cydroids as their feet have started to tap in time with the bass line of the music.

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