Saturday 27 June 2015

BBQ Night

Tonight was BBQ night organised by the hotel staff, which meant that we didn’t need to go through the usual evening of window shopping in restaurants for food. It also meant a heavy night of drinking as we didn’t have to venture too far from our beds! I tried a run-based Bossa Nova cocktail; where the colours of the drinks balanced beautifully in the glass. It certainly took time to put together by Michael the barman, but he certainly puts the effort in. We had a traditional Tzaki  for our starter which was served with a large salad, followed by a huge buffet of spicy sausages, steak burger; chicken breast and pork kebabs. The desert was a simple ice cream to refresh ourselves. Then came the dancing, as Chris the manager displayed his amazing talent of Greek dancing; complete with balancing a shot glass on his head and performing in a circle of fire.  

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