Tuesday 23 June 2015

Paper Printing

You would think that printing a simple award certificate would be simple. All I wanted was a blue background so that the final print would have bleed right to the edges to fit in the frame. I tried re-sizing the page to print a larger image onto small paper; but the whole image just came off the paper. I tried adding printer marks; but it turns out that my printer is too simple for this task; and that the edges were inevitable. The strangest thing was that I couldn’t even get the size of the edges proportionate to the border. In the end, the only way I got round it was to go to Staples and purchase some blue card (which had to come with other colours of card) and print the certificate with no background colour. Of course, the whole size had to be reset again as the whole A4 was clearly visible inside the frame. Why can’t we make things simple?

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