Saturday 13 June 2015

Dream Diary 2

I have had some very strange sleep patterns over the weekend, mainly because I have had to attend beer festivals in between work. On Saturday I fell asleep as soon as I arrived back home, not waking till 10pm, then again at 1am. Of course, after 1am I struggled to get back to sleep again, but in between I had a very strange dream of chasing a bull into a garage while wearing an orange suit, complete with a pork pie-style hat. I’m then jogging around in a garden looking at tombstones with large daisies protruding from them. After climbing a stile over barbed wire, I’m then face to face with the bull which chases me round in circles. My Dad suddenly cries out ‘Paul’, and I actually wake up, totally unsure if he called me in the dream or in reality. I search the house apart from my parents’ room, but they still remained asleep in their room. Unless my Dad called my name in his sleep and woke me up…

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