Wednesday 17 June 2015

Speech Part 2

In the 1970s, brewery ownership of the Great British Pub was partly responsible for the lack of choice of quality beer. Companies such as Whitbread, Scottish & Newcastle, Courage and Watneys were buying smaller breweries and shutting them down in order to dominate the beer market with their bland products.
With this in mind, the Campaign for the Revitalisation of Ale was formed. Volunteers from all over the country got together to set up local CAMRA branches; where members could meet in pubs to plan protests against brewery closures, and demonstrate their numbers to local licensees to encourage them to put real ale back on the bar.

Our volunteers run beer festivals all over the county, including the Redditch Winter Ale Festival and the growing Bromsgrove Beer and Cider Festival which by the way, starts on this coming Friday! These festivals demonstrate the choice available to the consumer and encourage people to try a variety of different beers.

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