Wednesday 3 June 2015

In Cold Blood

Dawson’s first outing with Beatrix Rose is gripping yet mesmerising; but also unbelievable. She faces astronomical odds in her encounters with the enemy, and we are given little background material to come to terms with the skills that she is blessed with in order to survive. We are thrust into the plot line of what could be her final hour as she battles with her terminal illness; and that's just alongside the combative action we witness in this title. I also felt that this was way too short to be a stand-alone novel; in that there so many unanswered questions to Beatrix’s background. If this book was to made into a film (and I sincerely hope so; there are loads of action sequences here); it would only last about half an hour. However, the real time information and pace of the narrative is so detailed that it really is addictive. More please. 

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