Monday 29 June 2015

Captain Vangelis's Special Cruise to Fiskardo

If you are ever in Skala, I would thoroughly recommend a trip on Captain Vangelis’s special cruise. The boat is comfortable as you cruise along the coastline to the ship’s music; and if you get bored you can spot the wildlife in the ship’s glass bottom. I took the Fiskardo cruise and we spotted dolphins just outside Pathos (unfortunately they were too quick for me to get a picture). When we crash-landed into the harbour (a policeman was blowing his whistle and it was unclear who he was directing his attention to), we had an hour to explore the village. I could have done with longer; I found a roman cemetery, a Christian fort; and if I had time I could have also explored the old Venetian lighthouse too. We also took a tour of an underground lake, where Greek guides rowed us into the
caves singing ‘Just one Cornetto’! The swimming stops are amazing, and the on-board waterslide makes it even more fun. I took the plunge just once off the very top of the ship, and really had to take a big jump to be sure of clearing the whole boat. The air whistled past my ears just before I hit the water.

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