Saturday 9 May 2020

Publicity Packs

Call me sceptical but I’m starting if these so-called goodwill stunts are only occurring to draw publicity to local businesses. For starters, you have to wonder how they’ve managed to get their hands on so many golden ticket items in the first place. They’ve either got someone in the know; or they’ve braved the stampede to grab the rest of these items to deprive other pensioners or other people obtaining them for pensioners. And again, call me sceptical but pasta and rice doesn’t seem to be a stable food for a pensioner; it’s more for students. And it’ll taste a bit bland on its own, though I suppose a tin of something added to it would sort it all out. I’m actually concerned because an elderly person would be more likely to scald themselves by cooking pasta or cut themselves on an open tin. They’d be better off with a ready meal; at least you can’t cook yourself on plastic. 

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