Wednesday 20 May 2020

Out of our Ears

It’s the time of the year to test out those mince pies. We buy a box from a different supplier each week then stock up on our favourite ones when they’re on offer. Interestingly, the use-by date is only a month which causes problems when you want to buy them for the big day. So why are they so readily available but expire before Christmas? It’s madness. It’s also a family policy to only purchase pies with booze in them. This year they’ve produced rum ones. We went through three boxes in a month but after that there was no sign of them. It was Cointreau only. Were people getting too drunk from them? But our habits have inspired others. Is it because alcoholic butters are harder to get hold of and is the next best thing? Don’t worry, the Easter eggs will be on the shelves once we’ve run out.

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