Tuesday 5 May 2020

I was fascinated by people who are considered completely normal, because I find them the weirdest of all.

-Johnny Depp.

Is it right to be normal? Since we’re not living in normal times, it’s hard to say. For some people, it’s business as normal as they spend most of their time curled up at home anyway. Others may find times a little busier and a little stranger. But what is normal anyway? Perhaps it’s living up to the stereotypes that we’re expected to. Everyone’s doing the same things for their age and circumstances. You can probably predict what that person gets up to; though the view could be taken from one extreme to the other with anything between. But that’s just boring. There’s no story or conflict and people have heard it all before. It’s akin to just sitting around in the house all day. Someone who observes rather than takes part. But find that one person who’s just a little bit different and has a bit of uniqueness in them and you’ve got someone very interesting indeed. And if you can’t strive to make others take an interest in you, then you’re just weird.

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