Monday 4 May 2020

Are we really on a Sinking Ship?

It certainly seems so. Supermarket shelves are empty at the moment; though at best with popular supplies rather than the end of trade agreements that the Remainers predicted. But there still seems to be a lot of speculation about what will happen as opposed to what actually happens. Different ministers are reported as saying different things, which is causing a lot of confusion as to who is in charge now. Even the opposition has very little to say. In a way we certainly don’t seem to be plunging after package after package is announced to protect this and that industry, and the world slowly keeps on turning. But are we still relying on our neighbours because we’re still not Brexit ready? Will we have a huge bill to pay once this is over? Or, while we are all united for once, is now the time to think those plans through to go it alone?

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