Wednesday 1 May 2013

Trials and Trivualations

Today has been a very hard day of trials and trivualations. The awakening all went very wrong and I couldn't seem to stir for about fifteen minutes. After I had achieved breakfast and a cup of tea it was time to prepare for the gym. Got changed and packed my kit; then forgot socks. Arrived at gym; opened kit bag; no flask. Apparently I'd put it into my work bag by mistake. Had to run downstairs into car park to rescue flask. Gym session was good; I even skipped a rest on the chest press. Dived into shower as I was very short on time... only to find that I had no work shirt. This meant that I had to call work and explain then drive home and change which made me half an hour for work. Luckily I didn't make any false promises; but the server decided to crash which resulted in a delay for customers. Being late also meant I had to leave late, which meant there was not much time for a rest between dinner and a pub meeting; which led to me being grilled about life, universe and everything. The after meeting was a lot more relaxing; however I didn't get to eat my crisps as I had to lead the way home for someone else. I then left my satchel in the pub. Not as serious as it sounds when you know the pub landlord but there were some important items inside so this meant a crazy journey back to retrieve it. Ho hum. I'm still alive, and I'm due to get up again in three hours too. Yay.

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