Tuesday 21 May 2013

What's Brewing...

I do love a good cup of tea. Milk and two sugars in a mug after leaving it to brew for a proper three minutes. If there’s biscuits or the sugar comes in proper lumps then it’s even better. But what I can’t suss out is the use of the humble teapot. Many people can’t. I’ve even had to show an American how to use a teapot in their own home. I’ve heard it’s mainly for sharing, but then you can cut corners by using two teabags for three people. But then the brew loses its strength; which isn’t fun at all. Weak tea is a big no; you may as well just serve hot water with milk and sugar. And then you have the great tea urns that must serve the most metallic tea ever. That’s just wrong. It has to be a fresh brew, and you have to give it time to brew. Think I’ll put the kettle on.

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