Wednesday 15 May 2013

The weirdly hippy gym guy

I've been to the gym today. I try to go at least once a week, and it’s a habit that I haven’t broken for at least a year (if I can’t go one week then I’ll go twice the next). But you meet some weird people in gyms. Today there was a strange guy that was much bigger than me but had his weights infinitely smaller than I did. And he looked at me as if to say; that all you got? He had a blue shirt on; possibly a sports shirt as it had three stripes on the side; geeky glasses and long hair. Quite tall as well. But if that’s all he can lift then why’s he there in the first place? Perhaps this means that I can be more aggressive; be more challenging to these so-called jocks and put them in their place. So come on if you think you’re hard enough.

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