Tuesday 7 May 2013

Art n that

I'm not a big fan of art. Don't get me wrong; I appreciate the skill that someone's put into creating a painting; it's the gallery side of things that put me off. Portraits of wealthy people in pompous clothes looking important in a golden frame to illustrate their wealth. And art galleries always focus on the artist. It's always so hard to find what the painting is actually of; they're more concerned with the series of works that the artist achieves. Perhaps that's why there's always a subdued hush in the gallery; that people are actually thinking over what they are actually looking at. However, I do enjoy the landscape paintings as there tends to be a lot more details in those. But it's a shame when someone has worked hard on a beautiful landscape painting and you can't find out whether the subject is fictional or is an actual place that you can enjoy for yourself.

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