Saturday 18 May 2013

A Plea to cat-owners

Cat owners of the world! Your cats are suicidal! I will not be held responsible for squashed cats! They hide under my car! They run in front of my car! They expect me to brake for them! Just last Tuesday I had to honk to keep a cat on the pavement and not under my tyres! If you must let your cat out, either train it to the ways of the world or keep it in your own damn home! Our fish pond is not part of your cat’s home! I’m watching those cats; they’re always plotting something. Last year I was walking home and saw no less than eight cats just sat staring outside people’s homes, staring. Waiting and watching the world go by. I knew they were plotting or waiting for something as they were all on the same road.  But what they are up to I do not know other than to prepare to run out in front of cars to create accidents and compo schemes. They truly are evil…

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