Sunday 5 May 2013

The Drunk

He’s not one of the modern role models of societies. Staggering home after the pub, he’s weaving left and right across the pavement trying to make progress home. A stagger here, a wobble there; then a rest; but you have to hope that he’s on his way to somewhere. Sometimes you brave a chance to look at the face and it makes you think. What is he trying to forget? What has happened to make him act in this manner? A doomed relationship? An outcast? Maybe you should feel responsible; and at least stop by to show a sense of human compassion by asking if he’s OK. But there’s one reaction that makes you forget all this; by just looking at his runny face or hearing that retching noise. That then says it all; he just can’t handle it. And that he’s abandoned by everyone for the exact same reason; to save your shoes.

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