Sunday 19 May 2013

A long trek to a Local

So tonight I went in for the ‘who do I know down the pub’ scenario. It’s something that I don’t do that often; depending on where I am going and the fact that when I’ve done it in the past; the locals that are there are people I don’t tend to recognise. Today was slightly different in the fact that I knew that I would be recognised by some of the bar staff. And when I arrived I instantly recognised a group from a local club. But after they left, it was quite dead. There were a fair few people that I didn’t know, and it makes me wonder where the other beer fans are at these sort of bashes. I was a bit disappointed as it was a long trek to get there (though I did forget a bus that would shorten the outside journey), but a group did start up for a sing-song as the night drew to a close.

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