Tuesday 30 April 2013

Cruising round Cambridge

I visited Cambridge for the first time this month. I always thought of Cambridge as a very large city, full of life with a great river, lots of cathedrals and tall and attractive college buildings. What I saw was a sprawl of an urban centre with a cathedral, a narrow river with lots of students hiring out boats, and bicycles. Lots of bicycles. And they just got in the way; everywhere. It’s the English version of Amsterdam only without the sex and canals. And a very high abundance of Chinese people. But then again, it was just after lunch. So after we’d eaten a disappointing chicken tikka baguette while watching the bikes go by, it was time to do a bit of sightseeing. We climbed a mound of an old castle to see the town. I was hoping to get a great view of college greens and the river, but unfortunately I just saw rooftops, churches and Chinese people taking pictures. I will have to do a bit more research next time; as I only visited the north side of the city.

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