Sunday 14 April 2013

Tonight I might die or gain superpowers...

...because there's a spider in my hotel room. I didn't order him (unlike happy the goldfish who you can rent for five pounds a night) and I'm pretty sure he didn't follow me in. The only logical conclusion is that he actually resides here (behind the Venetian blinds to be precise; which I may have broken when I tried to open them and may have pulled the wrong thing). So, disregarding the fact that I may have wrecked his home, why is he here? Not that I mind him, I just don't want to be bitten or eat him in my sleep. But then again, I'm paying for one extra body to be sheltered in the room; heat and all. It's one extra body I have to wait for the bathroom in the morning. And it's guaranteed that if I go in first; he's sure to follow straight in afterwards to interrupt.

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