Saturday 13 April 2013


She is not yet nine months old, yet already she has made a lasting impression on our lives. Already she has her own corner full of toys; and a cupboard for when she comes to visit. With wispy blonde hair, big blue eyes and a curious expression, she wants to be the centre of attention and in a good seat so that she can always see what's going on. Happy and chatty when playing with her toys, or clapping and singing along when listening to new sounds. Exploring the world around her isn't yet her thing; she's quite happy with what's in front of her and what she can see. Her smile is wonderful, a symbol that everything is fine. She loves a hug from the big people, and likes it even better when they're up singing and dancing to her, and tries to join in and clap along. Hats and jackets tell her it's time to go, a ride in the car seat to another place. She doesn't like goodbyes but she's getting used to them. Or maybe it's because it's getting warmer out there in the big cold world...

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